Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Fun?!?!
Well I have to admit that I am glad that Christmas is all over...does that make me a Scrooge. Anyways, we had a little bit of a scare this Christmas and so I had a really hard time getting into the spirit. You know the whole, "poor poor pitiful me" routine. About three weeks I found a lump in my left breast (IS that a bad thing to post??) and it was quite painful. I am all about denial and so I thought if I ignored it, it would magically disappear. Unfortunately not the case. So I made an appointment and went to talk to my doc. He was quite concerned and then proceeded to find one on the other side as well. So he immediately ordered a mammogram and an ultrasound...that's right I got squished...OUCH!!! Much better than breast cancer though. So much to my relief the tests all came back is left over scar tissue from my breast reduction. Talk about scary. It made me realize a couple of things though, I will be VERY faithful in breast exams and mammograms and that I am TRULY, TRULY blessed. The night before my mammogram Jeremiah gave me a blessing and told me that I would be protected and be around a long time to see my children grow, my grandchildren grow and maybe even some greats also. It was so comforting. That is one thing I will always be grateful for is the power of the priesthood. I have ALWAYS loved the feeling of having a WORTHY priesthood holder put his hands on you head and bless you. My dad, my grandad, my uncles, my brothers, my father-in-law and most importantly my HUSBAND!! I am SOOOO SOOOO BLESSED. SO the message of this post is....I have not a clue but I seriously needed to ramble and let you all know how grateful I am!! So there it I crazy? Feel free to comment ;) It is the season to feel and to be happy and I am both but I am also glad it is DONE!!! LOL
Monday, December 8, 2008
A perfect end to a REALLY bad day!!
I have to tell you today was a horrid day. I was up all night with Abby cause she had a really bad earache. Then Megan and Eric woke up at 6:45 and I was dying cause I wanted to sleep in a little since Abby couldn't go to school. Not happening!! Then I looked outside and saw the snow and I just about panicked. I have not driven in snow since my accident and I was so NOT excited to start today of all days. I called Jeremiah like I always do when I panic, or whatever, and I was telling him how I was so nervous and Abby of course, listened to me. SO we go out to the car to take Eric to school and she says, "Mom I will pray for you to drive in the snow and Heavenly Father will protect us." Out of the mouth of babes. Anyways, the day just got worse and worse. But then came the ray of sunshine when Jeremiah walked in at 8:30 plus he brought me pink roses and a wonderful strawberry shortcake. I don't know WHAT I did to deserve such a wonderful husband. But I am so extremely blessed. I love him so much and I am so lucky. Definitely a perfect ending.
Christmas pictures
Every year we buy the kids a new Christmas outfit and take our annual Christmas picture to send out. Here was our attempt this year. I tell you what, trying to get a good picture with three little kids is nearly impossible. 100 pictures later, no lie, here is what we ended up with.

Our little man
Princess Megan

Princess Abby

Here is their silly picture. Trying to figure out a pose.
Another silly one.

Our little man
Princess Megan

Princess Abby

Here is their silly picture. Trying to figure out a pose.
Another silly one.

Eric wanted to give the christmas tree arms and legs so here is our attempt at that.

And finally the winner. What do you think?
I have to tell a funny story. We couldn't get the lighting to work in the front room where we have our tree. Jeremiah wanted to help me out and so he moved the whole tree, FAKE thank heaven, into the kitchen in front of our french doors. Well we got all the pictures and finished up and so he took it back into the front room. We hurry and headed to church and then came home and adjusted it so it was in the right spot. Well we messed with it TOO MUCH!! The next thing we know the stand breaks and the whole thing comes crashing down. Of course we all freaked out. The kids were crying cause they thought we couldn't have a tree, Jeremiah was laughing cause it almost landed on him (kind of did part of it), and there I was in shocked silence. It made for a good laugh for all of us. Thank heaven for a very inventive husband. He rigged us up another stand and we RE-DECORATED the tree. It made for an interesting night. Where is the video camera when you need it? Needless to say this year we will be buying a new tree. Gotta love it. LOL
I have to tell a funny story. We couldn't get the lighting to work in the front room where we have our tree. Jeremiah wanted to help me out and so he moved the whole tree, FAKE thank heaven, into the kitchen in front of our french doors. Well we got all the pictures and finished up and so he took it back into the front room. We hurry and headed to church and then came home and adjusted it so it was in the right spot. Well we messed with it TOO MUCH!! The next thing we know the stand breaks and the whole thing comes crashing down. Of course we all freaked out. The kids were crying cause they thought we couldn't have a tree, Jeremiah was laughing cause it almost landed on him (kind of did part of it), and there I was in shocked silence. It made for a good laugh for all of us. Thank heaven for a very inventive husband. He rigged us up another stand and we RE-DECORATED the tree. It made for an interesting night. Where is the video camera when you need it? Needless to say this year we will be buying a new tree. Gotta love it. LOL
Weekend of fun!!
The weekend of Thanksgiving we spent some time in Salt Lake with Jeremiah's family also. His parents live in Kanab and so when they come to Salt Lake to see Jeremiah's brother and his family and his sister and her family, that live in Salt Lake, we run down to see them. This time we stayed in a hotel with them and it was so fun. Here is some of the fun stuff we did.
We had an awesome thanksgiving. It was my side of the family's turn and it was great. We had EVERYONE in my family there. That is a lot of people. My mom and dad have 8 kids and most of us are married and have kids. So we had 31 people there and 12 of them were grand kids all under the age of seven. It was chaotic but tons and tons of fun. We all had a great day. It was also the day of my accident a year ago (and my sister Julie's bday, hope it was a better one this year sis!! LOVE YA). I cannot BELIEVE it has been a year. It has been good for me to reflect on it and to realize of all trials do have positive repercussions. It is just hard sometimes to understand what they are. But I am SOOO thankful for family that is more than willing to come running whenever there are problems not matter what. I am so thankful that my three children and I survived a crash where they were expecting fatalities. I am so thankful for a husband that is there for me through it all, forever and ever. HE IS THE BEST!! There is so much to be grateful for and most of all I am grateful for my testimony and the gospel. What would I be without it? Not a whole lot. Thankful, thankful, thankful. It is the season to be thankful. I will post pictures with this when I get some from my sister. Happy turkey day!

Wow did I mention that I am a TERRIBLE blogger. It is december and I am posting our Halloween pictures...arghhh;) At least I am doing it right? LOL
We did the annual trunk or treat (nice work as always Marissa) and it was loads of fun and candy. We took our little friends with us...Daxton and Hallie Allen (surprisingly no relation but great friends;)) They are the pirate and fairy. So cute. Abby was a rose maiden, Megan a snow princess and Eric was THEIR knight in shining armor. So fun. Here we all are. Fun times
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