Well it has happened my little girl is now eight years old and officially baptized. The day started out with a lot of fun. All of Jeremiah's family came up and we all met at the Bountiful Temple to be with his sister Shelly and her new husband Charly as they were sealed together. It was beautiful. Shelly is a wonderful person and it was so neat to see her so happy FINALLY, with her new wonderful husband Charly. He is a fabulous man and fits in so well with the craziness of all of us. It is exciting and an answer to many prayers. After the sealing we all went out to eat and to celebrate Abby's baptism and Shelly's sealing. It was so nice. Then everyone headed up to Perry. WE all met at the church and attended Abby's BEAUTIFUL baptism. She was GORGEOUS!! We had over 50 people there from our family alone. It was incredible. That is what you get when Jeremiah and I both come from big families. Abby's Grandpa Morrill (my dad) spoke about baptism and the importance of the ordinance. He did a fabulous job. Then Grandma Allen (Jeremiah's mom) gave the closing prayer. I have to share this wonderful experience though. Abby was ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED!! So she was about to cry the whole time but as she stepped into the water her whole countenance lit up and you could just see the fear subsiding and the spirit and knowledge of what she was doing take it's place. It was wonderful. Her confirmation was beautiful. Jeremiah did such a great job and when he told her to receive the Holy Ghost it was amazing....you could actually feel it. Abby told me after that when her daddy said that she suddenly felt so warm all over and was just so happy!! What a great experience for and for ALL of us. It was wonderful and I am so proud of her and the decision she made. I am also so proud of my husband! He is such a worthy priesthood holder and it is so neat to see him baptize and confirm our firstborn! This was truly a beautiful day.

At the temple..Eric, Abby, Megan

Cousins hanging out after the sealing...Daisy(cuz), Lucy(cuz), Abby, Joanna(cuz), Eric, Megan, William(cuz)

The happy couple with grandma and grandpa Allen....Charly, Shelly, Grandma A., Grandpa A.

My awesome nephew Justin...doing what he does best...being silly.

Justin and his gorgeous wife Julie....so cute!
My beautiful niece Emily(Justin's sister) and her darling little girl Brooklynn...so cute!!(Em had to borrow your pics...lol)

Abby's awesome cake for her baptism...made it myself...yeah right...lol

Abby's hairdo for the baptism. She was so worried cause she has such long thick hair, she was afraid that it would come up in the water. So you can't really see but we did a spider web and then the bun is twisted and pinned and it took an hour and a half and two packages of bobbypins to do, but it stayed in place and looked AWESOME!! So it was worth it.

This is Abby's invitation to her baptism. My good friend Britney Barker is a photogropher and this is her work. Here is here website if you want to see more of her fabulous work. http://britneybphotography.blogspot.com/

HERE IS BRITNEY'S PAGE AGAIN--http://britneybphotography.blogspot.com/
Here are more pictures from the baptism!!

Abby and her daddy

Abby and Grandma and Grandpa Morrill (My parents)

Abby and her sweet 2nd cousins Karson and Kaiden(such handsome boys)

Abby's DARLING 2nd cousins..Karson, Logan, Kaiden(Justin and Julie's handsome little men) and Brooklynn (Emily's beautiful little girl)!
These pictures are of the rest of the family that were there but we didn't have a chance to get them on film. Older pictures but still you get the idea of who they are.
My brother Brett and his wife Steph and Sydney and Riley
My sister Jennie and her husband Curtis and Chloe and Isaac.
My sister Jodie and her husband Ned and Jared, Jason, and Natalie
My mom and dad and Ben, Jill and Julie

My brother Beau and his wife Jenn and Wade and Wyatt.
All-in-all we had an awesome turnout. Our family is so great. We had 52 people and it was crazy fun. This was definitely a day we will all remember. We are so grateful for everyone who came and supported Abby. We are also grateful to all those who helped make this day possible. Thanks again all our friends and family for all you do. We are so blessed and we loved sharing this day with you all.
PS--Thanks again Britney for the awesome pics. WE LOVE THEM!